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.If someone says they will ring you back,it means they will call you again later.LEISURE wolny czas PURSUE wykonywać, spełniać1142 HOW DO YOU FILL YOUR HOURS OF LEISURE?/ I fill my.reading,watching TV, pursuing my favourite hobby.RECOVER zdrowieć STRAIN napiąć, nadszarpnąć, wysiłekWHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO RECOVER FROM AN ILLNESS ? The best way.relax, not to strain oneself in any way,take some form of mild exercise.SCORE wynik, PLAY AWAY PLAY AT HOME POINTstrzelić, zdobyć grać na wyjezdzie grać na własnym bosiku punktTABLE TENNIS tenis stołowyWHY IS IT THAT A FOOTBALL TEAM PLAYING AT HOME USUALLY SCORESMORE GOALS THAN WHEN PLAYING AWAY ?/ The reason a football team.is that it is surrounded by its home crowd of supporters who cheer it onHOW MANY POINTS DOES ONE NEED TO SCORE TO WIN A GAME OFTABLE TENNIS ? One needs to score 21 points to win a game of table tennisSET OFF wyruszyć w drogę, podróż SET OUT wystawić, wyłożyć, ozdabiaćTRADER kupiec, statek STALL handlowy kram, stoisko, umieszczać, utknąć1143 WHAT SORT OF THINGS ARE THEY THAT PEOPLE FIND THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN, OR THINK THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN, AFTER THEY HAVE SETOFF, OR SET OUT, ON A JOURNEY ? The sort of things.forgotten to lockthe door, turn off the gas.bring their money and passport with them.WHY IS IT A MARKET TRADER SETS OUT HIS GOODS VERY CAREFULLYON HIS STALL?/ The reason a market.to show them to their best advantage.WHAT'S ANOTHER MEANING OF THE WORD "STALL" ? Another meaning.is when an engine fails to keep goingAWFUL okropny AWFULLY okropnieWHAT'S THE MOST AWFUL FILM YOU'VE EVER SEEN ?- WHY ?The most awful.WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THE WORD "AWFULLY" ? - AND GIVE MEAN EXAMPLE OF ITS USE.The meaning."very".I was awfully sorrythat I couldn't come to see you last weekPRETTY dosyćWHY DO SOME PEOPLE FEEL PRETTY AWFUL WHEN THEY GET UPIN THE MORNING ?/ Some people feel.slept badly, or went to bedlate, or feel depressed at what they have to do that day.VOCABULARY WITH EXAMPLES:-1144 GET ACROSS dotrzećIt was very difficult to get across to the general public the importanceof the matter.APPARENTLY widocznieApparently, there seems to have been a misunderstanding over thearrangements made for the trip.BOMBER bombowiec BOMBING bombardowanieBomber aircraft fly much faster these days than they used to, and theirbombing is much more accurate.CHILDISH dziecinnySuch childish behaviour was so unexpected from such a mature type of person.1145 AT HAND pod ręką BANDAGE bandażWe had no bandages at hand with which to bind the wound./DELICIOUS pysznyThe ice-cream was absolutely delicious.EVEN równy, gładki UNEVEN nierównyThe ground had just been ploughed and was consequently very uneven to walkupon.FATAL fatalnyThere's at least one fatal accident on that piece of motorway every week.HAND OVER ROBBER PERSONALLYwręczyć, oddać, dostarczyć złodziej osobiścieThe police made the robbers hand over personally to their owners the things theyhad stolen.GASP chwytać powietrze, łapać oddechHe came out of the smoke-filled room gasping for breath.1146 TRIP potknąć się HEADLONG twarzą naprzódHe tripped over a stone and fell headlong into the ditch./INFECT zakazić, zarazić MOSQUITO komarInsects, like flies or mosquitoes, can infect people with disease.INFLUENTIAL wpływowyHe is quite a powerful individual and an influential figure in the political field.KID dzieciak COLLOQUIAL potoczny"Kid" is a colloquial word for "child".LAYER warstwa CEMENT cementThere was only a thin layer of cement between each layer of bricks.MIST FOG SMOGmgła, para mgła mgła z dymem1147 Mist and fog are similar, except that fog is thicker than mist.Smog, on the other hand, is a mixture of smoke and fog./AT A LOSS AT A PROFIT AT A POUND A KILO RUNze stratą z zyskiem funt za kilo przynosićIf you bought apples at a pound a kilo and sold them for two pounds a kilo, youwould make a profit of one pound a kilo.The business was running at a loss when he took over.Now it is running at a profitMEDIA MEDIUM SYSTEMśrodki komunikacji średni, średnio systemAs well as meaning average or middle, "medium" is also the singular form of "media".The word "media" is the collective word used for all the systems of broadcastinginformation.For example, "People are greatly influenced by the media in formingtheir opinions on various matters" and "Many people these days get most of theirinformation through the medium of television"./OBJECTIVE obiektywny1148 We achieved our objective in much less time than we had calculated.PERFUME perfurmyThe word "perfume" has the same meaning as "scent", except that we are unlikely tosay "the perfume of flowers"; we would say the "scent of flowers".HANG ON TO (OR HOLD ON TO) trzymać się, wesprzeć sięWhen standing on a bus or the underground train, one sometimes has to hang ontightly to a strap as the bus or train goes round a bend.I decided to hang on to the money I had left, in case I needed it later./RATTLE brzęczeć, grzechotaćThe wind made the doors and windows rattle so much all night that I hardly got anysleep.SOUL duszaHe puts his heart and soul into his work, which is one of the reasons he has been sosuccessful.TERRIFIC przerażający1149 There was a terrific bang as the car shot past us on the track.IN HALF (OR IN TWO) na połowęWe decided to split the orange in half and have half each.UNIQUE jedyny TECHNOLOGY technologiaWith the progress of science and technology, the world today is presented with theunique opportunity of solving the physical problems that have faced mankindthroughout history
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