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.It is, however, not at all outof the way for an intimate friend to remind her of some one who in receiving noinvitation has more than likely been overlooked.If the omission was intentional,nothing need be said; if it was an oversight, the hostess is very glad to repair herforgetfulness.Get any book for free on: www.Abika.comETIQUETTE IN SOCIETY, IN BUSINESS, IN POLITICS AND AT HOME17915Invitations for StrangersAn invitation that has been asked for a stranger is sent direct and withoutcomment.For instance, when the Greatlakes of Chicago came to New York for afew weeks, Mrs.Norman asked both Mrs.Worldly and Mrs.Gilding to send theminvitations; one to a musicale and the other to a ball.The Greatlakes received theseinvitations without Mrs.Norman s card enclosed or any other word of explanation,as it was taken for granted that Mrs.Norman would tell the Greatlakes that it wasthrough her that the invitations were sent.The Greatlakes said Thank you verymuch for asking us when they bid their hostess good night, and they also left theircards immediately on the Worldlys and Gildings after the parties but it was alsothe duty of Mrs.Norman to thank both hostesses verbally for sending theinvitations.16DECORATIONSSo far as good taste is concerned, the decorations for a ball cannot be too lavish orbeautiful.To be sure they should not be lavish if one s purse is limited, but if one spurse is really limited, one should not give a ball! A small dance or a dancing teawould be more suitable.17Ball decorations have on occasions been literally astounding, but as a rule noelaboration is undertaken other than hanging greens and flowers over the edge ofthe gallery, if there is a gallery, banking palms in corners, and putting up sheavesof flowers or trailing vines wherever most effective.18In any event the hostess consults her florist, but if the decorations are to be veryimportant, an architect or an artist is put in charge, with a florist under him.19THE BALL BEAUTIFULCertain sounds, perfumes, places, always bring associated pictures to mind:Restaurant suppers; Paris! Distinguished-looking audiences; London! The essenceof charm in society; Rome! Beguiling and informal joyousness; San Francisco!Recklessness; Colorado Springs! The afternoon visit; Washington! Hectic andsplendid gaiety; New York! Beautiful balls; Boston!20There are three reasons (probably more) why the balls in Boston have what can bedescribed only by the word quality. The word elegance before it was misusedout of existence expressed it even better.21First: Best Society in Boston having kept its social walls intact, grantingadmission only to those of birth and breeding, has therefore preserved a quality ofunmistakable cultivation.There are undoubtedly other cities, especially in theSouth, which have also kept their walls up and their traditions intact but Bostonhas been the wise virgin as well, and has kept her lamp filled.Get any book for free on: www.Abika.comETIQUETTE IN SOCIETY, IN BUSINESS, IN POLITICS AND AT HOME18022Second: Boston hostesses of position have never failed to demand of those whowould remain on their lists, strict obedience to the tenets of ceremonies anddignified behavior; nor ceased themselves to cultivate something of the grandmanner that should be the birthright of every thoroughbred lady and gentleman.23Third: Boston s older ladies and gentlemen always dance at balls, and they neitherrock around the floor, nor take their dancing violently.And the fact that olderladies of distinction dance with dignity, has an inevitable effect upon younger ones,so that at balls at least, dancing has not degenerated into gymnastics or contortions
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