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.SYNCHRONIZEDpublic final static int SYNCHRONIZEDThe integer constant for the synchronized modifier.VOLATILEpublic final static int VOLATILEThe integer constant for the volatile modifier.TRANSIENTpublic final static int TRANSIENTThe integer constant for the transient modifier.NATIVEpublic final static int NATIVEThe integer constant for the native modifier.INTERFACEpublic final static int INTERFACEThe integer constant for the interface modifier.ABSTRACTpublic final static int ABSTRACTThe integer constant for the abstract modifier.56 Java"! Core ReflectionThe class java.lang.reflect.Modifier JavaSoftMethodsisPublicpublic static boolean isPublic(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the public modifier.isPrivatepublic static boolean isPrivate(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the private modifier.isProtectedpublic static boolean isProtected(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the protected modifier.isStaticpublic static boolean isStatic(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the static modifier.isFinalpublic static boolean isFinal(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the final modifier.isSynchronizedpublic static boolean isSynchronized(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the synchronized modifier.isVolatilepublic static boolean isVolatile(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the volatile modifier.Java"! Core Reflection 57The class java.lang.reflect.Modifier JavaSoftisTransientpublic static boolean isTransient(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the transient modifier.isNativepublic static boolean isNative(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the native modifier.isInterfacepublic static boolean isInterface(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the interface modifier.isAbstractpublic static boolean isAbstract(int mod)Returns true if the specified integer includes the abstract modifier.toStringpublic static String toString(int mod)Returns a string containing a space-separated list of the names of the modifiersincluded in the specified integer.For example:public final synchronizedprivate transient volatileThe modifier names are returned in canonical order as specified by The JavaLanguage Specification.58 Java"! Core ReflectionThe class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException JavaSoftThe class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionpackage java.lang.reflect;public class InvocationTargetException extends ExceptionInvocationTargetException is a checked exception that wraps an exceptionthrown by an invoked method or constructor.ConstructorsInvocationTargetExceptionpublic InvocationTargetException(Throwable target)Constructs an InvocationTargetException with the specified targetexception.InvocationTargetExceptionpublic InvocationTargetException(Throwable target, String detail)Constructs an InvocationTargetException with the specified targetexception and a detail message String describing the exception.MethodsgetTargetExceptionpublic Throwable getTargetException()Returns the the underlying target exception wrapped by thisInvocationTargetException.Java"! Core Reflection 59Acknowledgements JavaSoftAcknowledgementsThe reflection API was designed by Nakul Saraiya and Bill Joy, and benefitedfrom substantial input from John Rose.Thanks also to our colleagues atJavaSoft and our external reviewers for their valuable comments.References[1] Java"! Beans Specification, JavaSoft[2] Java"! Object Serialization Specification, JavaSoft60 Java"! Core Reflection2550 Garcia AvenueMountain View, CA 94043408-343-1400For U.S.Sales Office locations, call:800 821-4643In California:800 821-4642Australia: (02) 844 5000Belgium: 32 2 716 7911Canada: 416 477-6745Finland: +358-0-525561France: (1) 30 67 50 00Germany: (0) 89-46 00 8-0Hong Kong: 852 802 4188Italy: 039 60551Japan: (03) 5717-5000Korea: 822-563-8700Latin America: 415 688-9464The Netherlands: 033 501234New Zealand: (04) 499 2344Nordic Countries: +46 (0) 8 623 90 00PRC: 861-849 2828Singapore: 224 3388Spain: (91) 5551648Switzerland: (1) 825 71 11Taiwan: 2-514-0567UK: 0276 20444Elsewhere in the world,call Corporate Headquarters:415 960-1300Intercontinental Sales: 415 688-9000
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