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.Note: This recommendation does not apply to creating a database(the database object for the Oracle RDBMS).See Installer-CreatedDatabase on page A-6 for recommendations about creating a data-base.Accepting DefaultsSome products have prompts associated with database object creation.Promptsregarding database objects typically fall into three categories:object locationobject sizeschema ownerObject LocationDefault object location is usually based on the one tablespace common to alldatabases, the SYSTEM tablespace.SYSTEM, however, is rarely an acceptablelocation.Tables that grow rapidly, or that have rows added and deleted, result infragmentation which can seriously degrade performance when it occurs in theSYSTEM tablespace.Using the Oracle Installer A-5Default and Repeat InstallationsObject SizeObject size usually depends on the anticipated size and usage of the system.Thedefault sizes offered by the Installer are typically appropriate only for testing.Schema OwnerSchema owner defaults should be accepted, unless you have a specific reason fordoing otherwise.Installer-Created DatabaseOracle Corporation recommends using an Installer-created database for testingpurposes only.The default database is fairly simple; it is OFA-compliant, but it issmall and not optimized for any particular environment or usage.During itscreation, you can specify different tablespace locations and sizes, but you cannotcreate any tablespaces other than the basic five: SYSTEM, ROLLBACK, TEMP,TOOLS, and USERS.Default and Repeat InstallationsThe Installer provides two mechanisms to simplify and automate installationsessions:default installation pathsilent mode (for repeat installations)A default installation minimizes the number of Installer prompts by automaticallyselecting default values for the initial Installer prompts.Silent mode uses responsesrecorded during an earlier Installer session to answer prompts in the currentinstallation.It is useful when performing numerous, similar installations.Default Installation PathThe default installation path prompts you for the values of ORACLE_BASE,ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_SID.After you provide the required information,the Installer takes you to the Software Asset Manager screen, where you specify theproducts you want to install.Table A 1 lists the Installer prompts that are not shown during a defaultinstallation, and the values the Installer uses.Table A 1 Default Installer ValuesInstaller Prompt Default ValueInstaller log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/install.logA-6 Oracle Web Application Server Installation Guide for LINUXDefault and Repeat InstallationsTable A 1 Default Installer ValuesInstaller Prompt Default ValueSQL log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/sql.logOperating system log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/os.logMake log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/make.logInstallation source CD-ROMLanguage American/EnglishRoot actions Appended to existing root.sh file (if it exists)You can also specify default or custom installation in the environment by setting thevariable DEF_INSTALL to either TRUE or FALSE, before starting the Installer.Silent Mode (for Repeat Installations)Repeat installations are performed by creating a response file during an initialinstallation, then using the response file to provide answers to prompts duringsubsequent installations, when the Installer is running in silent mode.Note: Use silent mode only to install the same products youinstalled during the initial installation, or a subset of them.Perform the following steps to use the Installer in silent mode:1.Run the Installer for the initial installation, recording your answers to promptsin a response file.$./orainst /rspdest filenamewhere filename is the full pathname of the response file where the Installer willrecord your answers.Be sure to specify a directory where the oracle account haswrite permission.2.After the initial installation, edit the response file, changing any necessaryvalues (for example: pathnames, mount points, ORACLE_SID).You can use anyUNIX text editor.3.Invoke the Installer, specifying the response file and products to install.$./orainst /rspsrc filename /install products /silentUsing the Oracle Installer A-7Default and Repeat Installationswhere:filename is the full pathname of the response file you created in aprevious installation.products is a comma-separated (no spaces) list of products toinstall.Available products and the product names to usein the command line are available in theorainst/unix.prd file on the Oracle distribution.Regardless of whether you are using the Installer in silent mode, you can set theenvironment so the Installer skips the display of README files.To skip READMEfiles, set the NO_README environment variable to TRUE, before starting theInstaller.Following is an example of the commands to invoke the Installer, create a responsefile, and then use that response file in a subsequent installation.The productsspecified for installation are the Oracle8 Server, Server Manager, and Oracle NamesServer.$./orainst /rspdest resp_805.rsp$./orainst /rspsrc resp_805.rsp /install rdbms,svrmgrl,NAMES /silentA-8 Oracle Web Application Server Installation Guide for LINUXUpgrades and Patch Set InstallationsUpgrades and Patch Set InstallationsTable A 2 describes the terminology and release numbering associated withdifferent types of Oracle releases.Regardless of the type, use the Installer to performthe upgrade.Table A 2 Upgrade Terminology and Release Level Significant Figure inType of Release Release Level Scope of ReleaseNew Release, or First and second level: Major functionality or architec-Major Upgrade 7.2, 7.3, 8.0 tural changesUpgrade, or Third level: 7.3.2, 7.3.3 Bug fixes and minor new func-Maintenance Upgrade tionalityPatch Set Fourth level:, Bug fixes onlyNew releases and maintenance upgrades are always complete softwaredistributions, and should be installed in separate ORACLE_HOME directories fromexisting Oracle Servers.Patch sets are never complete software distributions, andmust always be installed on top of an existing release.Patch SetsOracle Corporation Patch SetsPatch sets are Oracle Corporation s mechanism for delivering fully tested andintegrated product fixes on a regular basis.Patch sets provide bug fixes only; theydo not include new functionality, and do not require re-certification on the targetsystem.What Goes Into a Patch Set?Patch sets include only the libraries affected by the bug fixes in the set.All the fixesin a patch set have been tested and are certified to work with each other.Because apatch set includes only low-impact patches in RDBMS and PL/SQL libraries, it doesnot require you to recertify applications or tools against the Server.Patch sets are cumulative, and contain the same set of generic fixes across allplatforms.For example, patch set contains patch set, plus the bug fixessince that set.Patch set for Hewlett-Packard addresses the same set of bugsas for Digital UNIX
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