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.It is also a great time to experi-ence Shringara in a refined way, enjoying and creating spiritual art andpoetry, performing rituals or spending quality time with our loved ones.In the morning we should undertake new tasks and tasks that requirea lot of inner strength, because the Courage Rasa comes most naturallyat that time.The afternoon is also good for doing work, but especiallyafter the midday meal we should take some time to rest and enjoy goodcompany and some laughter.It is mostly at dusk and in the evening that the less desirable Rasasare likely to manifest.The time of dusk should be spent in meditation inorder to prevent that.For the same reason, the evening is a good time forlight entertainment and to enjoy the arts.In ancient days kings and richpeople used to hire entertainers to brighten up every evening.Waking UpTo bring our personal energy patterns into accord with the symphony ofour solar system, getting up before sunrise is essential.At ninety minutesbefore dawn, a great surge of energy is released and repeats itself evenDaily Routines 147stronger about thirty minutes before dawn.Scientists have found thatthis causes our blood to thin dramatically and infuses the entire bodywith new chemicals.Sanskrit scriptures call this the "time of the nec-tar of life." To ensure good health and vitality, both physical and emo-tional, it is extremely important that at that time the body has alreadydischarged stool and urine.If not, all toxins and waste gases producedduring the night will be recirculated in the system.Early morning is the best time for the Shanta Rasa, so we shouldremain calm and light-hearted as much as possible, setting the right pat-tern for the coming day.Getting up early also means that we have thetime to slowly let the system wake, instead of having to rush through theentire process to be in time for work.Many beneficial things can be done in the early morning, of which sit-ting up straight (preferably without back support) is the most importantbecause then gravity automatically helps the bowel movement.Concen-trating on soothing colors, shapes, and sounds as well as taking a slowearly morning walk are very good.Washing hands, teeth, and face withwater just below room temperature should happen before sunrise as well,making sure the eyes are washed at the same time the teeth are cleaned.The minutes before and during sunrise are the best time of day formeditation.At the exact moment of sunrise, the organism automaticallybreathes through both nostrils simultaneously, so that the energy canflow upward through the Sushumna Nadi.The left and right sides of theforebrain, the solar and lunar, male and female energies all become bal-anced automatically.People who try meditation for the first time at sun-rise will be surprised by the ease with which the Calmness Rasa comesand how it may linger the rest of the day.BathingAs soon as thirty minutes after waking the morning bath can be started.It cures dullness and drowsiness, dissolves sorrow, creates elation,increases enthusiasm, and gives vital energy to the system.The watershould be lukewarm and the body should be exposed to it step by step.148 W O R K I N G W I T H O U R RASASTemperature shocks are to be avoided.Bathroom singers and hummersare famous in India up to the point where one who does not sing in thebath is besieged by concerns about his or her health.After the bath we should put on fresh clothes so as not to wear oldvibrations and smells.Putting some oil on the hair prevents the loss ofelectrical energy, protects memory, and discourages fantasy.WorshipSpiritual rituals (puja) create positive impressions that nourish the mindand strengthen our Rasas of preference.We can engage all the senses -through focusing on the icons of deities, lighting incense, ringing bells,and chanting mantras - in order to stimulate those Rasas and thoughtsthat we cherish.Spiritual worship of any kind strengthens the higheraspects of the Rasas of Calmness, Wonder, and Love inside us.The besttime for spiritual rituals is the morning.They will be the most beneficialwhen performed while being clean inside and outside.An image or yantra of a deity symbolizes the form or body of the deity,whereas the mantra of the deity symbolizes the mind, spirit, consciousness,or name.They enable us to get in contact with the energy patterns asso-ciated with the particular deity, with that specific divine aspect of God.Daily meditation on the deity associated with a particular Rasa - such asKrishna for Shringara (Love) or Yama for Bhayanaka (Fear) - helps one toawaken and purify that deity and the Rasa within oneself.Daily concen-tration on the courage and selfless service of Hanuman, for example, willmake it that much easier to follow his example in time of need during theday.Both the mental image of Hanuman and the Hanuman mantra willact as carriers of that attitude.They can be visualized or recited at any time.MealsIt is generally advisable to eat only two meals a day: a late breakfast anda large meal taken between noon and sunset, during the most rajasictime of the day.Daily Routines 149In the morning sattvic energy is dominant, so we should concentrateon a light breakfast with easily digestible foods
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