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.See Figure 1 3, UserPreferences Property Sheet for an illustration of the property sheet.If you have not set up preferences for a database, listener, or node, the logininformation that you entered to access the Console is used when accessing thatservice.If that information is not valid for a selected service, you have to enterlogin information each time you access the object.Note: Individual instances of an Oracle Parallel Server are not listed.Oraclerecommends that all the instances of a Parallel server use the same preferredcredentials as the Oracle Parallel Server.1-24 Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator s GuideConsole User PreferencesSetting User PreferencesSelect any row to update the preferences fields for the object identified in the row.Figure 1 3 User Preferences Property SheetUsernameEnter the username.This field is required if a password has been entered.PasswordEnter the password.You can leave this blank.ConfirmConfirm the password.RoleSelect the role from the pull-down list.You need to login with the SYSDBA orSYSOPER role to start up or shut down a database.Click the OK button at the bottom of the property sheet to save your updates.Formore information about dialog boxes and property sheets, see Dialog Boxes on page7-12 and Property Sheets on page 7-14.See Chapter 9, Managing DatabaseSecurity for information on managing lock status or password expiration on auser account.Overview of Oracle Enterprise Manager 1-25Console User Preferences1-26 Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator s Guide2NavigatorThe Navigator discovers and graphically displays network objects, and allows youto administer the objects.The Navigator tree displays a direct view of thenetwork s nodes and services, the objects they contain, and the relationshipsamong objects.The topics discussed in this chapter include:Navigator WindowNavigator MenuNavigator Context-Sensitive MenusDiscovering ServicesManipulating Objects in the NavigatorNavigator 2-1Navigator WindowNavigator WindowThe Navigator window provides:Identification of the objects or services on nodes in the network environment.Views of the objects in a network environment and the relationships among theobjects.By expanding an object, you can display any objects it contains.Methods of accessing and launching administration tools on the objects.A source of objects to create maps.A source of objects to launch DBA tools and other integrated applications.The Navigator window can be hidden or shown by selecting Show Navigator Panein the Console View menu.You can also hide or show the window by clicking onthe Navigator icon in the Console toolbar.Some objects in the Navigator tree can be multi-selected using the standardWindows Shift and Ctrl key mouse click combinations.This technique can beuseful when creating maps and copying tree objects.For more information onusing keystrokes in the tree, see Keystroke Shortcuts on page 2-18.Expanding Objects in the NavigatorEach object type in the Navigator tree is identified by an icon and name.If there is a + or - to the left an object s icon and name, the object is a container that can beexpanded to display other objects.A container that is represented by a folder iconis a logical grouping, or collection, of one specific type of object, such as databases.Other containers are objects that hold multiple types of objects.See Figure 2 1, Navigator Menu and Window for an illustration of a Navigator window.The top-most object in the Navigator tree is the network container.The networkfolder contains:Databases folderGroups folderListeners folderNodes folderFolders for additional services that have been integrated into the tree2-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator s GuideNavigator WindowYou can expand tree containers to view the objects and relationships in theenvironment.For example, you can expand a node to view the databases andlisteners on the node.If you expand a database, you can view datafiles, in-doubttransactions, profiles, redo log groups, roles, rollback segments, schema objects,tablespaces, and users
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